
Friday, February 11, 2011


So, yesterday during my lunch break, I watched a set of 1 year old twins. They are so sweet. They know me a little bit from church when mom is near by, so this was a new experience for them.

At first, James began to cry and then Whitney looked at him and then started sympathy crying. I ended up with one on each hip and the Disney Channel in the back ground. As long as I would sway the twins began to calm down and watch the show. About 15 or so minutes later, I was able to sit down and rock them. Fortunately, we have rocker recliners at our house and so it made it easier. After a little while longer, Whitney was ready to play on the ground. As long as I stayed near her, she was fine. James seemed a bit tired and wanted to be held. I massaged his feet and helped him to relax. Every little while, he would whine a bit and then he would be fine. One time while he was crying he looked up at me to see if I was paying attention to him and I said, "it's ok, you don't have to cry anymore." I think I may be mellowing out in my old age.

Yesterday, afternoon I called my mom and relayed my experience, she then goes to me, you are the next one on both sides to have twins!!! Yikes... I have an appreciation for all of those parents that have multiples.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Weight Loss Journey

Well, Ben and I have been on our diet/exercise routines for a month. Things are going well. Ben and I have both lost weight. What we've found to be successful, is to make the life change and then stick to it. It also helps to have someone to be held accountable to. Our diet consists of fruits, vegetables, lots of ground turkey, chicken, whole grains, fiber, fat free yogurt and cheese. We have basically eliminated red meat, except for the ocasional stew we have on Sundays.

Well, we will continue to plug forward. I can't wait for it to be warm outside, so I can hit the pavement running. I hope to run some races this year.